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Force Bars - a healthy snack made from fruit and seed sprouts.

+ 100% natural components.

+ Sugar and gluten free.

+ Unique technology of preservation of useful substances.

+ Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

+ Omega 3-6-9 *

What is a sprout?

A sprout is a seed for which we created special conditions and it began to sprout. Sprouted seeds have a fresh and rich taste and better digest. The bar contain more useful substances and a lot of energy. 

* Hemp seed is one of the leaders in the content of healthy Omega 3-6-9 fats. It has all the necessary amino acids, improves blood circulation and has a restorative effect.

Force Bar - Hemp & Fruits

SKU BS_hemp
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Stock fruits (dates, dried apricots, raisins) - 60%, hemp seeds (18%), sprouted sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, blackcurrants.